Embrace Ayurveda: Where ancient wisdom meets modern wellness for a balanced, healthy life


Vata – the Catabolic Dosha

Pitta – the Metabolic Dosha

Kapha – Anabolic Dosha


Frequently Asked Questions

Does Ayurvedic medicine work?

If you ask someone when the flight takes off, any feeling of discomfort, or fear is there, it will be the stupidest question to ask. If you feel so, then only you will get the answer. So similarly, if you ask does Ayurvedic medicine works then first of all you will have to trust the pathy and then see the result that it works or not (like there is the feeling of fear in flight or not)

Which disease can be cured by Ayurveda?

The simplest answer for this is, the no. of diseases you know all can be cured by Ayurveda.

Can Ayurveda cure permanently?

Ayurveda is well known for curing disease by its roots like when the roots of any plant are removed plant dies, similarly when the disease is treated by Ayurveda it will be permanently cured. Once the disease is cured there are negligible chances that it will reoccur..

How much time does Ayurveda take to work?

This all depends upon the disease and more on the physician.